Hello! I am new here. I just rushed to find a forum about OBE to see if there are someone who had the same experience as me. I had previously some OBExperiences, they were all spontaneous. I failed all the time to induce the state. Last night is about something different. I was dreaming and at one point I woke up because of the vibrations, which I usually feel before OBE, also in inducing attempts. I freaked out, but calm myself down quickly and let the body to get out. Checked hands, I was out. I turned and saw my body sleeping in the bed. There is the point where I had the idea to grasp my hand. I realise that I can move it. I took all of my body out of the bed, and I woke up. Not me, the body woke up! I was still outside. I touched the face and neck of my body, and I don't know why, I started to be a little bit aggressive with it. Than suddenly I realise that I am in bed, and someone is carrying me outside of the bed. At that point I understood that I was reliving the whole experience but from my body perspective. I didn't liked how I was threatening toward myself. Then I changed the perspective again, and this time, when I realised that we two are the same person, I was more compassionable with me. I said to my body enthusiastic: "Do you realise we had an Astral Projection, were we both are materialised". He smiled. I hugged him, and with it followed a deep peaceful feeling, almost orgasmic. Then I woke up for real.
Did someone have something like this? I am very confused and freaked out about this experience, and a feedback from other people would help me. After experience I was scared, I don't know why. The idea that I could be more than one personality is stunning and terrible at the same time.

P.S: Sorry for my english. I am not a native speaker.