Quote Originally Posted by mystyx View Post
"I totally understand you, but if you share your art everyone will experience what they was ment to experience, so do not hold yourself back because you still is processing your experiences, you might
need support also, you might be surprised if you dare to be total open."
Thank you Luke, you are so lovely and pure.
We will be free all eventually but we must remember to always be positive as much as we can, there is so much
to decode about our own creations which I think isso big issue because we at once think when we meet some dark part of ourselves that it is a demonic attack, it is not alway and mostly not.
I need you to explain more what you mean by "please keep reminding me, because othewise some of it seems clouded behind a membrane?"

I am so happy to hear from you, thank you.

Hehe.. sorry.. laughing about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDj7DuHVV9E

Apparently..... 'pure' is the greatest compliment you could possibly give me!!! It is not a statement of egotistic-ism, just that purity is something my heart always cries for.

The part you are asking about is quoted. I meant to include it.
You did it again when you said "We will be free all eventually but we must remember to always be positive as much as we can"
All of that stuff super powers my heart, and makes me believe I can do this.

Thank you..[/QUOTE]

Of course you can
