Date: 11/05/16

Becoming Lucid

i was standing on the top of a high cliff, below me was a smooth grey rock surface.... i knew i was dreaming

i decided to 'jump'..... to see what would happen, i knew i was safe & wouldn't 'die' since i was dreaming.

i jumped...... i didn't hit the rock surface..... i just kept falling, falling..... falling. It went completely dark, i was still falling, i wondered if this was the place called the 'void'.
I was still falling, i became a little un-nerved, in the blackness i tried to imagine earth in the distance & myself falling back towards earth, as a means to end the continuing falling experience i had now found myself in, but i was unable to manifest this scenario to change my 'present' experience.

The void falling ended & i was now falling in what appeared to be a square shape the size of an average room surrounding me, it was still dark, but i could see the square shape & there were also other shaped objects in there that i could just make out the outline of within the darkness.

This 'space' felt safer, more familiar.

i donot remember any more..


  • I had not planned or previously thought about 'jumping' whilst in a lucid dream, so this was a 'spur of the moment' type idea.
  • i do have a fear of heights & falling
  • i was slightly shocked that i did actually 'jump' as a part of me could not imagine how i could go through with that
  • On typing my experience, i realise today's date is significant to me, in that 5 years ago today, my first dog 'passed'