-drinking more water today
-M's husband adding to the cat house,looking up mylar and telling me he bought a cat house online
-getting in a good workout today
-how great it feels to sweat from a good workout
-my style
-catching up on phone calls a little bit today
-vegan pizza
-weight going down
-those cinnamon breads with vanilla ghee
-seeing T cat from first litter today under the tree in front of the house sleeping on the leaves. she was in a deep sleep and looked like a little bambi. it was a beautiful fight. after i seen her,and she awoke,she came up to me and i picked her up and she curled her head into my shoulders. it was so freaking sweet.
-amazing pictures i am able to get of the cats. got one of the T the kitten,H cat from 2nd litter,and T from first litter all cuddling together in the house we have for them
-saving money
-being almost complete with TWO savings goals i've been doing at a time. so exciting.
-TV episodes on hulu
-getting more things organized
-my peacock eye pillow
-doing some visualization exercise and how good it felt