Okay, I'll toss mine from last night out there.

I am in my front yard and watching an airplane fly low over my house, you know like when they do a 'buzz' on purpose? (side note) we have a small airport for parachute jumpers nearby and have low flying planes over our house all the time) so, in my dream, I am not surprised to see the plane.

It's flying back and forth and trying to do loop d loo's and tricks and I keep shaking my head and saying, that guy is going to crash if he doesn't quit playing around. Once more he flys over toward the back of my house. Nose down and tail up in a vericle position and crashes right into the hill. I almost don't feel sympathy for him (pilot), yet I feel bad that he died. I shake my head again, sigh and head over to the crash.

Weird huh?