Living longer and conscious life vs. poisoning your mind and body for staying blind

The current approach to living today is... unacceptable no more, in my humble opinion.
The gain-oriented attitude leads to nowhere, after all.

Let's take an outlook on how a life of a human being develops concerning living in modern civilization.

First, a child is born as a "empty, white page", as some of scientists would like to convince. Obviously it's not true, but after a child is born a process of "orientation" or "calibration" occurs - changing appropriately its psyche. As a human being with an infinite potential, this child needs to be "adjusted" to living today. (If it was born in other times, or even on another planet, this process would go differently - thus resulting in a potentially very different human being later as an adult).

Child is not a "white page", but has its characteristics, tendencies, temper, talents and so on. The point is that they are not shaped - "crystalized" - yet. The natural tendencies (which means the actual person this child is really inside) need to find a way to express themselves - or, to be blocked. Potentially, there are infinite ways to express a particular charateristic (potential). Astrology gives a good idea on this subject.
So the characteristics of a child are "modified": blocked, strengthened (if desired by the common believes), changed, twisted etc. They (inner, true tendencies) always want to find a way - and if ithey constantly fail in doing so, a person becomes easily frustrated or even worse - burnt out.

The process of "adjusting" progresses when the child goes to school. Educational system narrows and limits ("adjusts") you even further.

After then, you don't have much time to discover your potential. Work takes most of time of most of people on this planet.

To realize fully your potential and make some real things in life, instead of living day-by-day without a bigger picture and an guiding idea prevailing it, you need more time today.

That's why longer and conscious life is needed

The first step is to focus on both consciousness and living a healthy life style. Only keeping your health and energy high ensures that you will have a quality life and be conscious enough to make choices for yourself. This leads then to prolongating your life and decreasing the gettting old processes for your body, mind and energy.
I like the ancient medical Chinese guidelines on these, as they relate both (awareness and concsiouness with staying healthy) and give reasonable advices on how to achieve them.

The alternative to the above is to live blindly - not thinking for yourself, but just following schemes / examples of other peole, being as confused as any other person, going through the same process from a "white-page" child to a restricted by the civilizational circumstanes adult. Some of them just believe that "this is the only way". Of course it's not, yet there should be first someone to go first that other way before, so that other people could follow (be inspired). Otherwise we (society) always would stay the same or get even worse.

Conscious thought - the reflection on the current state - is needed to make some necessary modifications to the current life style.