Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
This happens frequently. You are dealing with the other reality, don't treat it merely as some dream. You encounter real meetings, hence your frustration.

I believe that's due to the lack of connection between the unconscious and conscious, or to be more precise, between the frequencies at deeper than alpha level, and the "normal" (daily) beta level of the brain. I think it's worth training yourself at strengthening the connection, or to find better words for that, smoothing the difference between these frequencies. Then you can smoothly move yourself (mind) through the frequencies. The problem is the "daily" part of the mind - which tends to dominate the other parts. Then it's easy to loose the memories from the other parts. Robert Bruce addressed memory in quite an exhaustive way, worth to re-read it.

One of the technics I learnt about to deal with the frequencies' differences is to make a "bridge" between the two worlds. (As these are actual worlds you are dealing with). Very interesting, btw.
Thank´s for the advice...I will re-read it. How did you make a bridge between the two Worlds?
