Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
I've read in the past quite a lot of books similar to which you talk about. Now I know, as I wrote below, that all books are in fact channelings.

This means that they are sort of propaganda to the Earth citizens

This means that our free will is really restricted. Almost all your thoughts are not yours! This includes what you wrote here.

Our physiology and bodies are controlled. Do you know that? I'm sure that you have breathing difficulties not because of me, but because of the fact that your (and everyone's else) body is controlled, monitored etc. "They" know about our discussion. They monitor it strictly; as well as your and my thoughts. Whenever you're sick, it's because of "them". If you're healthy, it's also because of "them". "They" invisibly control our energy.

Don't write about stress or anything like that. Our emotions are under control. In other words, as I mentioned, your thoughts and emotions when you were reading my response were under an influence. And they are under the influence right now, and they were before you read it, and will be after you read it. Just like everyone else's.

It's beyond-verbal, invisible, difficult to identify influence. This - i.e. the control and thus also invisible programming of our minds - is a level, or I'd say several levels, behind the level on which human minds typically operate. So it takes training to identify these. Otherwise you think for exapmle that you're doing OBE, but you are just experiencing a projection on your senses the pictures, sounds etc. That's why in the past it was called astral projection, and not out of body experience. See the difference between these two? I know that because of "them" influencing me, so I figured how it works. I already wrote about that below.

The key to multidimensionality - multidimensional human - IMO, based on my experience, is mind. I.e. the mental sphere, not astral sphere. Physical senses AFAIK are based on astral senses - they are actually almost the same. Hard to believe?
This means that your what you can see with your physical eyes is also controlled. A physician would say "impossible! it breaks the laws of physics", and I'd say it's possible, I experienced that.
Hi Antares.
Yes I know the difference between astral projection and out of body is two different things...but you can investigate by astral projection too as I do.
I am just now learning all these plans and what sense the different bodies has...mental astral etheric etc...I am just starting to find out when I have projected where did I project
So...why do you be so agitated by how the world is built...do you think you can change it...is it not that maybe you have to change to discover more about and accept how it works??..just wondering...without knowing ..I hope you do not butt your head in vaine...Can?t you not instead tell what you have found when you have investigated becides those who you feel is standing on your way...and maybe it is that why they monitor you closely is for your own best...you know that our inner senses and feelings, beliefs etc has to be in alignment with the shears/plans and be clean so to say...otherwise you polute with your uncleanse negative thoughts/feelings etc and that is one reason for closely monitoret...this is my two cents for now