This dream was strange and I find it kind of funny.

I was in a house with my Dad and someone else (brother??). We were watching TV and I found out that I had won a nice, big TV in a contest. Then all of the sudden, I was in a Mexico stadium playing professional football (US Football, not soccer). Here's the goofy part, we all had machine guns. The American team was laughing about how ghetto the Mexican stadium was, how the field was not nice and green like most US stadiums. There was a full on street running through it. I was very concerned how were were going to play on such a field without someone twisting thier ankle (lol - must be the momma in me). My Dad was there and I remembered about winning that TV. I asked him why it hadn't come yet and he said they (the contest sponsers) wanted to disperse the prizes on Mother's Day. We started playing again and started advancing toward the Mexican team's goal area. I then stopped everybody because I noticed we were playing on top of a Mexican Indian burial ground and said that the spirits were not happy with this. I looked over to my right and saw a gothic/greek type building with pillars and such, right in the middle of the field!! Well, I was told that my comment really offended the Mexican players.

Then I woke up. I still want that damn TV I won though...

The Mexican part is a bit strange for me as I am actually 1/8 Mexican Indian (Yaqui I think). My Great Grandmother was born in Sinaloa, Mexico and my Grandmother was born in Sonorra, Mexico. My Grandmother was pretty darned psychic, she used to read Tarot cards and actually described my Mother to my Father to a Tee before they even met. A priest told her that Tarot card reading was Evil, so, she stopped. I loved my Grandmother so much and miss her a lot.