
Are you familiar with the work of Rudolph Steiner? He splits up the human being in a very similar way to Theosophists;

1. Physical body/mineral
2. Etheric/life body.
3.Astral/Emotional/sentient body
4. Ego organization/Self.

This is just the bog standard 4 fold split he suggests, you can get more detailed, with 7 fold or 9 etc. I find personally that by relating this split to myself when working on projection, I am getting closer to the fundementals of the matter. I want to know whether you find that this approach is similar to your own opinion on the human constitution, and how this helps with projection.

Secondly, my projections always used to being, i would start to exit, and then get pulled back into my body. I recently discovered, that when I am exiting, it is prudent to "open my eyes" as soon as possible. This act of opening my eyes, although it feels like opening my physical eyes, i am in fact opening my astral eyes (or whatever you can call them." Then I can continue the process of projection. I feel that this has been my breakthrough, and I wanted to know whether you concur with this, can you still exit when your astral eyes are closed?

Thanks, Joe.