Last night, I was in the middle of a projection, just exiting my body, tried to get away from body then slipped back in.

A couple of factors might have contributed, all or one of them .

(1) I was laying on my side.
(2) I had taken a strong pain killer before hand.
(3) Noise from above my room
(4) Did I open my eyes prematurely?

I have a gut feeling that it was the painkiller that did the damage. What was interesting though, was the sensation afterwards. I was having trouble sleeping, but as i lay on my back trying to sleep, I felt like I wanted to float out, like I was expanding outward, but that I needed to be in trance before i could exit, either that or more spiritually developed than I am currently. I believe that if I am more spiritually developed in the coming years, I will be able to separate myself at will, without trance. Thats my aim at least.