I'd like to present a theory that I've come up with regarding the links between the soul, the cosmos, and quantum physics. I will do this in two parts, because the subject matter is too large to discuss in just one thread. The first part will be my theory of the soul, and the second part will be my theory of how this relates to the universe. Once you have read this part, please comment and, if interested, continue to the thread for Part Two.

From quantum physics, we learn that the fabric of the universe is, at the very smallest level of existence, completely random. That is, if you were to look at the smallest possible level of vaccuum, you would see very strange things happening. Particles will randomly appear and disappear. Gravitational forces will manifest and then disappear. This is called the quantum foam.

Before we go any further, let us define randomness. When something is random, that means that it cannot be predicted. It means that it is uncaused by our universe; that it is not part of the chain of cause and effect that we see. Random things are uncaused.

But this random quantum foam, as it happens, cancels itself out for the most part in the larger world. This is what allows us to have laws and predictibility.

There are still random events, however. For example, radioactive decay. Radioactive decay is the set of various processes by which unstable atomic nuclei emit subatomic particles. When exactly a nuclei will emit a particle is impossible to predict. There's nothing that we can do to control the emission of particles at a certain time.

Except for one thing--using the mind. Experiments (I can provide sources if you ask) have shown that the mind's will alone can influence the supposedly random emissions. One experiment involved having a machine detect the emissions and generate a sequence of 1's and 0's based on it. Participants in the experiments were able to alter the chance generation of the 1's and 0's. But how is this possible?

There is also a theory that the human brain itself is set up in such a way to use the random quantum fluctuations in matter. In pretty much everything, these fluctuations cancel each other out. But not in the human brain. Therefore, some have theorized that the brain has used these to create either increased intelligence, or free will, or consciousness, depending on who you ask.

My theory is this: That the human soul itself is an entity existing outside our universe as currently defined by science, and that this intelligence is the cause and source of the quantum events in the brain. As well, that the soul as defined above can extend beyond the brain and influence things outside of the body, causing what we know of as psychic phenomena.