I'm new to meditation / trancework and have been working for a year or so to find effective techniques to quiet my mind and meditate. This has been quite a challenge for me, as my mind doesn't like to quiet down or focus on just one thing, but it's work worth doing, eh ? I am envious of how quickly outofbodydude seems to be with mastering the series but I'm sure he has a lot of experience in that area.

At first I did not like the idea of the hemisync and Monroe's techniques as it seemed a bit too impersonal and sterile an approach... but after reading Maureen Caudill's amazing book, I've decided to give it a try... and it's really grown on me. The structure that I first shied away from, has come to be quite valuable. I look forward to making a trip to TMI as there's nothing quite like being in the environment itself.

After listening to all of Wave I, I've realized that I need to master focus 10 before I can move on to the other waves. I have stuck with "intro to Focus 10" for now, as it keeps things simple and sweet, without too much wandering. The energy conversion box and resonant tuning is plenty for me to digest now.

The interesting thing is that all of Wave I is extremely stimulating to my energy body though the exercises aren't necessarily directed at this kind of work at the time... I have intense body rushes while listening to the tracks.

I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere! Last night's session, I noticed that "closed in / someone's standing near me" feeling I associate with the trance state, and when my arm itched and I instinctively reached over to scratch it, I realized that my physical arm had stayed put and my "other" arm had reached over to do the job. This is the second time I've noticed that "doubling" effect with arms while doing these tracks. I think it's probably the first time I've noticed going directly into trance without clicking out first. This is a great balance so far... I'm used to falling too deeply into half-asleep states and seeing hypnagogic imagery without being ALERTLY awake at the time. This is some good progress... from when I started out and basically fell asleep, only to be startled each time Monroe spoke.

Again while I shied at the structure initially, now I like it because I can pinpoint the part in Intro to 10 where I fall asleep... always at the "count to 10 to achieve Focus 10" part. This is great as I can be aware of that shift and try to attain control over it. Lately this has meant slipping into a shaky trance rather than sleep. I like the feeling of making progress with something, rather than the "throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks" chaos I was kinda going through before.

I recommend this series for meditation newbies like me.