Mr. Bruce,

Name is Ryan DeVore, Resident of central Florida, Practitioner of Metaphysics for 9 years. Kung Chi,(Qi Qung) Kundalini, and personal Energy Cultivation. I own both Astral Dynamics, And the 90 Day Guide. Both VERY informative on the subject of OBE's. I have realized through the years, The truth in Metaphysics. The impact on life that is made from it, and what i have found to be undeniable. Sense then, I have created a goal, that i wish to obtain. However, Would like to know, Is it Plausible?

I would like to combine Hypnotics, With Biofield Theraputics (Available at a local college here in Florida, [Link removed as per forum rules- Please see posted rules] and Hollistic Healing to guide others into a relaxed mindset, To Momentarily release them into the depths of their Subconscience. A lot of what i believe may be based on theory, but i believe a lot of great things can come from theory. A relaxed body, in the absorbing mindset of a hypnotized patient would follow my guidance into a mental awareness. Basicly, A guided Astral Projection.

Well, onto my question. Does this make sense? Is my goal possible? I truly believe that the ability to be released, even if just momentarily, into your subconscience, with a mind thats fully aware, would be more than an accomplishment. The ability to step into a world without limitations. And to be able to offer that to others, would be even more so?

More or less, I would like your opinion on this matter. Is this a practice/teaching worth offering? Perhaps you have a better approach?