Quote Originally Posted by tyciol
Well of course thought takes time, you know I mean far future. Men may pray to alter things that have already happened, but I've never seen that as too successful.
I see no reason to deny that God can inspire one to such a prayer. And I do not doubt God's power to fulfill what God has inspired one to ask for.

Suppose, for example, that you were waiting for someone at a train station, not knowing whether the person you were waiting for had gotton the train or not. Who is to say whether a prayer said in such a moment may, in fact, have some causative influence?

Quote Originally Posted by tyciol
That's cool about the limbs moving before the signal gets to them, I'll have to look into that, where's that from? The nervous system is really cool, I've been thinking of studiyng it. I think it's kinesiology or reflexology or something...
I read that recently. I think it was in connection with the so-called Brainless Student