Quote Originally Posted by Rydel
Satanism is probably one of THE most misunderstood philosophies in the world today. You have to keep in mind, that satanism actually has nothing to do with the Christian concept of Satan. The term Satanism was actually coined by the Roman Catholic Church hundreds of years ago, and it stuck. Satanism, is in essense, the philosophy of the self. While Anton LaVey is probably not the best source on the subject, it is a start, and I'm sure there are some gems. Always remember to "separate the wheat from the chaff" though.
Yep, I completely understand why it's misunderstood. I'm always having to explain to people what I mean by Satanism if I ever need to mention it.

They would go "Satanism!? You're a devil worshipper?" and get out their crosses in a hope to ward me off. Then I'd have to explain to them that they have the completely wrong idea, then calm them and explain what it really is. My parents were fine with it though.

The fact they're gothic (Traditional, that is. Gothic is another misunderstood thing at the moment) might have helped, but I think it was more to do with the fact that they're atheists. My mum read about satanism and thought it was fine for me to persue.