What do you guys think of EFT(emotional freedom techniques)?

Do you think that tapping the energy meridians mentioned in EFT really helps the bodys energy system or do you think it's just a placebo effect?

The second study, published in The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice which is indexed in the PsychInfo database, was conducted by Waite and Holder on people who reported specific fears or phobias.[4] This study compared four groups: A group that received regular EFT; a second group that tapped on sham points that were not EFT points; a third group that tapped on an inanimate object (a doll) and a fourth group that received no treatment. The first three groups did statistically better than the fourth group, but there were no significant differences between the three tapping groups. That is, the groups that tapped on sham points and on the doll did just as well as the EFT group, but all three groups did better than the no-treatment group. Since the group that used the doll was not tapping on meridian points yet still benefited equally, the authors suggested this as a falsification of the theory that EFT works because of the body's energy meridian system.
The quote above is from the Wikipedia entry on EFT.