Recently, about halfway through a normal dream sequence, I became aware that I was dreaming in a vague sort of way, and as this happened I became aware of lying in my own bed, but the bed was not in my own apartment. There was a woman leaning over me that had been present in my dream earlier. As she leaned over the bed towards me, her image wavered and changed into someone I had run into recently that I had not seen in ten years. At this moment everything become crystal clear and lucid, and somehow I KNEW it was actually her, not just a dream image, and that I was not awake. I was very excited and thought that I was astral projecting. She seemed to agree with me, then said "quick, follow me, there's something I want to show you". As I followed her, I tried to focus in on my surroundings to make them clear, as everything seemed kind of fuzzy. As I followed her down some stairs into the first floor of an apartment, I lost her and moved into another dream and things became more hazy, and some other dreams occurred that seem less relevant.

The questions that have occurred to me are, was I really interacting with the person I had run into recently, and was I having a lucid dream, astral projection (real time or otherwise) or both?

I had this persons email, so in the email I sent to her the following day, I asked her "do you ever have lucid dreams? I had an interesting one last night." I didn't write anything else regarding this, but went on to other topics. In her reply, she did not address this question.

Has anyone else had these kind of experiences? If so, would you say that I approached the person I dreamt about in the right way in regards to trying to find out if I really interacted with her? I know she used to have an interest in wicca and other metaphysical topics, so it's possible if she did interact with me she has had the training to recall the experience. But I didn't want to engage in a shared fantasy, I really want to have proof for myself that it's possible to ineract with other people in a non-physical way. Any thoughts or comments?

Thanks, hope I didn't ramble on too much : )