These days i have started practising yoga as a tool for my spiritual development.

I usually go to sleep at 11 at night & get up at 3.30 .
after an hour break i go to sleep again.

But in this hour gap i practise the KAPALBHATi pranayaam for 10-15 mins.
i do some warming yogic exercised & stretching.i make it a point that my body is pretty much tired up but due to the 4-5 hr sleep session my mind is pretty much awake & lucid sorta .

Then i get back 2 sleep ..... This is where the magic begins..
From the past week this schedule has worked for me & every time i do this i hve encountered an obe .For me this exercise has clicked instantly.

I tried to research a bit abt this & i found that
due to the forced and longer exhalation, kapalbhati affects the brain differently. Andre Van Lysebeth has quoted a physiological phenomena, that during normal inhalation the fluid around the brain is compressed and so the brain contracts very slightly. With exhalation this cerebrospinal fluid is decompressed and the brain very slightly expands. This is the mechanical influence of the respiratory cycle on the structure of the brain. Forced exhalation in kapalbhati increases the massaging effect on the brain by enhancing the decompression effect on every exhalation.
