Conscious exit at last!!!!

Hi everyone, I just HAVE to share this with you please & hope I'm not being too much of a bore as it's probably something most other people experience regularly, & my experiences were quite banal, BUT - I got "out" early Sunday morning at 01,16am!! First, the astral legs shot up; then down again as I felt a wave of excitement. . . then without really planning to, I did (or had done to me??) I did a sort of energy "wash" from crown to toes & up again - I actually SAW the brilliant white light moving! Then came mild vibrations & I rolled out to the left onto the floor. (I had partial sight ) I willed myself towards the window, but was suddenly pulled back violently by the left leg & slammed into my bedside cabinet. I was more annoyed than scared, but didn't want to look at whatever entity had me by the leg (!) & as all the mantras I had learned to prepare for just such an event simply skipped my brain, I said, "Oh, go to hell where you belong!" & was instantly released. (Wonder what that was about ? Dweller at the Threshold??) I then consciously passed through the burglar bars across the window - could sort of sense them as I did so. I settled in the tree outside my window. Three young people were walking along the road after a night out, 2 guys & a girl, & for some reason I decided to see if I could give them a fright, & swooped down right at & maybe even through them. They could not see me, but they did seem startled & picked up their pace. (This is not characteristic behaviour for me, I am not a practical joker, so feel quite ashamed of that & puzzled as to why I would do it) Anyway, I ended up at some huge "recreation hall" with round tables; I sat down with a younger girl who seemed concerned about me, but was obviously not conscious - she kept saying she wanted to take me to the doctor the next day as I "did'nt look right". She followed me when I left, & although I tried to fly away from her (flying is just the most exciting thing, isn't it!!??) she followed me with difficulty, & landed on the roof of a house, where she screamed in terror. I went to see if I could help; there was a an old flower pot & porcelain head (!) up on the roof; she kept saying the head was trying to bite her. I can't believe it but I actually kept my cool, knew I was in the astral & that I could not be harmed, so I laughed, said it was probably a demon, & then proceeded to rock the whole house until the head fell off, & was smashed on the ground below. Round about this point I remembered to look at my hands (& my feet) & remind myself that I should go somewhere higher & not waste time fooling around like that. I asked to be taken "up", but sadly, nothing happened, except for my seeing some patchy, swirling lights like those I often see when meditating.

Because I did not want to be jerked back violently into the body, I went back voluntarily, "following the trail" ( a broad, silvery mist - was that the silver cord, I wonder?) & slid in. I was really overawed when I sat up in bed; it's the longest time I have been consciously out - I have shortened my adventures considerably (considerately?? )

Has anyone else encountered the big hall of tables? And what of the personality change I had, to playful from rather serious?? Although I definitely would enjoy exploring for a while, I really would like to be allowed to be of some service in the "reception areas" that I have read about; maybe helping spirits of animals cross over after their violent deaths at human hands. . . how would I go about that? Can one get astral training for that sort of work?? Or is one chosen, rather than a volunteer . . . & thanks for reading this long screed!