Quote Originally Posted by micky.d
Every now and again i will be in a dream an then be pulled back to my physical body, however im still in a "dreamy" kind of state, i will then attemp to pull myself out of body, and the other morning i did a rolling technique and i began to fully roll out of my body, however the pressure and noise i was getting in my head was INTENSE!!
I ended up just leaving it aye, cos my head felt like it was gunna explode. This has happend a few times, and its only when i am in a dreamy state, for example in a dream in the middle of the night an then somehow become semi lucid and attempt an exit.
I'v had a lot of strong exit sensations when attemting a concious exit from a waking state, but i never get the head pressure at all!

I wonder what exactly the pressure is? just energy build up? Its just such an intense pain and pressure, it doesnt scare me though
Some things to consider with pain upon projection are ;
*blockages in the energy body
*pre kundalini event
*stress pain ie bp as suggested earlier or TMJ etc
* neg interference