I think this was AP, even though it played like a normal dream. I had so much energy last night I couldnt sleep hands and feet burning up and was too hot for covers (only 60f in the room) so ap.. sure.
I was riding in back of a (school?) bus with 6-8 other people, from ages 10-25 I would say. There was a black girl about 11 siting in the seat ahead of me, and 2 people sitting a seat ahead of her accross the isle. I was talking to her about something, the other two joined in the conversation a few times. Two guys in thier 20s came to back of the bus. According to them there was normally a movie screen and a small bar for making drinks in the back. The 'bar' was there but one of the guys said they shouldnt drink with kids around. The busdriver was new, and very strange. She was grilling the kids about how old they were, where they were from, etc like it was an interigation. She said only speak if you are older than "..." but she didnt want to know thier exact age. It seemed like she was some preditor looking for the tastiest kill. She didnt bother me or the others in the back. Everyone was kinda tense and upset about how she acted.
I started this one man play. I made myself look like the bus driver (but first person so I dont know how well I did it),
"WHERE ARE YOU FROM!?" I said in the busdrivers high strung screechy voice.
I changed into some dopey guy with glasses, "Uhhhh... I dunno."
I changed back to the driver,"WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"
I morphed back, "Uhh.... I dunno."
"Uhhh...... I dunno."
"Hahaha good one," the little black girl said.
The people on the bus thought it was pretty damn funny, most of them were laughing anyways. The driver seemed to be gone (or really detatched) and didnt see it.
It felt like the little black girl developed a bit of a crush on me. She was definately not a dream charactor. Im not sure anyone on the bus was, but I only really got to talk to her because everyone else was sitting too far away.
I dont know if we stopped, but some older guy in his 50s got on the bus from the rear door.
"Ahh, handyman," I said.
"Handy is right," he replied. He sat down in the seat ahead of the black girl. "Anyone want to see a picture of [ ] canyon from the top of [ ] mountain?"
"Theres a canyon here? Cool," (I developed a love for canyons in southern Utah) I had just recently climbed the mountains in the dreamscape but never saw the canyon.

I wonder if it was a shared dream?
At some point I saw 100-200 children, all standing silently without expression in perfect military formation. The 'busdriver' was there, she calmly asked one of the children how many there were. The kid started counting, "One! Two! Three!.." All the rest of the children joined in, all counting in unison "Four!! Five!! Six!!"... Pretty odd if you ask me.

Dreammoods has this pessimistic view
"To dream that you are riding a bus, implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and are taking no control over where your life is taking."
Hard for me to believe. I might not be taking controll of my life, but I dont beleive in trying to controll ones life. I did accept a very recent big batch of advice that I thought was very good though (mmmm cookies..), from people on AD.

"To see a bus driver in your dream, indicates leadership in some group idea or plan. It is symbolic of collective power. Alternatively, it suggests that you are going around in circles and have showed little progress."
Who IS the busdriver...
Maybe not rapid overall progress, or always forward progress, but still a respectable amount I would say.

Oh yea, had a dream yesterday about trying to follow train tracks, but they went down into the ground through a cavern and the way was blocked off by giant steel horizontal doors, you can only go down there while on the train. Dreams about trains and busses are rare for me, but it looks like there has been a lot of them the past week.

Sorry for the long read, but then what girl doesnt love a guy with hulking eyeball muscles?