Alright, well I have been recently struggling with the idea of my purpose in this world (well that sounds a bit melodramatic, more accurately part of the purpose of being human. When I went to bed I was thinking about how important love is... And during the night I had this dream, which was very intricate and struck me as significant.

So in my dream I was going to a Canadian boarding school. My friend had come to visit me and I showed her all around the school and to the different class rooms (this part is kind of hazy). After a little me and her walked outside and down the street, for some reason she went out into the middle of the road and started walking, there was a car between me and her (it was parked and blue) and on the other side of the road was a man in a trench coat with black hair and a black mustache. For some reason I knew he had a gun and I tried to warn my friend about it. She started walking back to me but not before the man gunned her down. I think I asked the man "why would you do this to my friend?" and he said "your friend has been dead for 3 months, you have only been imagining her. She is the one who you were born to be with and meant to love in this life. And now she is dead. You saw her die and the trauma of her death has erased your memory for these three months. The canadian boarding school is a psychiatric ward."

Now the "she" in the story is somewhat significant to me. Me and the "her" have a pretty strong relationship and we had a "thing" for a while which fell through. Actually, to be fair, I have had a very very strong connection with this person, stronger than a lot of other people I know. I wonder if this dream is telling me I already messed stuff up with her and should move on, or that me and her are "meant" for each other, and even though I messed up it is still "meant" to be. I don't like brining social issues onto a public board but I don't want to slate it too much my way or another so I would like an anonymous opinion.

Oh and three months is significant because me and her didn't talk to eachother for that period of time and now are just starting to talk to eachother again...