I had a strange experience while listening to Wave VII, Odyssey 3 last night... hoping someone has some insight. While trying to induce an out of body in Focus 21 I started getting strange sensations on various parts of my body... it felt a bit like there were small spiders all over me... at first I assumed these were probably just normal energy sensations, but as I continued with the session these sensations quickly became more pronounced (and creepy feeling). It started with a strange tickling sensation on the edge of my lip, which I tried to ignore, but then spread on my arms, legs, and chest. It got to the point where it was so tangible that I began wondering if I was experiencing an attack... I abruptly quit the session, but continued to experience these sensations (to a lesser degree) for some time afterwards.

After getting up, I went outside for a cigarette feeling rather creeped out over the experience. When I came back in I sensed/felt a strong static energy in the room and realized the hair on my arm was standing straight up. To make matters worse, I then began to wonder if there was a spirit present in the room. By now I was just straight up spooked, so I climbed into bed with my wife and simply went to bed. As a note, I continued to feel these creepy crawly sensations all over my body till I fell asleep (not as pronounced as before).

Anyone here have any ideas what to make of this? This was a frustrating experience, as I felt I was *very* close to inducing an OBE last night, but now I have thoughts about astral parasites and/or ghosties on my mind. Anyways, not sure if this was the best forum to post this in, but as it's a Gateweay experience I posted it here.
