Hello again,

I've been doing work on my secondary system for a year and a half now (since April 2007.) Every other day (sometimes every day) I've worked each foot for 2 mins, each leg for 3 mins, each hand for 2 mins, and each arm for 3 mins for a total of 20 mins (sometimes I go over and do 25 or so.)

What should I start working next? I've done very little work with my primary circuit, I did let universe energy into my heart for a while, but then 35 (!) of my lost soul fragments decided to pay my heart chakra a visit one day in a spontaneous soul retrieval when I was trying to let universe energy in, and it scared me off of doing that lol because it was WAY more than I could handle. I had to push most of the fragments back out. (The reiki master told me the number; I couldn't judge it myself, but I knew it was a LOT.) In addition all that heart chakra work made me feel "top-heavy" for a while, and it took things a while to balance out.

Anyway, should I start storing energy in my subnavel? Or drawing energy through my main chakras to activate those energetic pathways? Or should I do something else? Any help is appreciated. =) I still have lots of soul fragments missing, and I'm working on those with the reiki master, but I wonder if there's other things I can do.