Hello there,

I apologize if this is not in the right thread. Please move it if need be.

I am close the end of the 2nd week of MAP, and have been doing the first and second cd of the Gateway Experience Wave 1 for almost a week.

With the Focus 10 is what is really getting question marks from me.

I have been easily with the first 2 cd's in the Wave 1 and with alittle effort just on my own been able to get far enough into Focus 10 to the point that I am getting almost total sleep in my arms/legs and forehead and head area. Some of the feelings when I get this far is that I have an intense pressure on the back of scalp area to the right(its enough I feel that something is going to push through my skull and enter my brain at any moment), some hypnasomething imagery..and thats about it.

I am having a terrible problem getting my eyes to fall alseep, I wear a blindfold to help with letting them relax, but with all the relaxation and stuff naturally progressing in my head, I can relax them and think, ok, thats done..but before i know it they are moving with my body awareness as I "watch" the sensations in my body..

I feel the eye thing is a deffinate hurdle I need to cross. From my lack of experience past this point I can only think that it may be something to do with where I am at with my mind?? When I start seeing the hypna(o)? images I get apprehensive because of my desire not to get sucked into a dream and pull back from them..

Any help at all would be welcome..