Astral Projection #4 - Successful Attempt - October 29 2008
Note: I skipped ahead with the brainwave generator, and this particular session wasn't one of my official MAP sessions. I was originally going to take a nap for an hour so I would be rested later for when I did my regular MAP routine. Lately I have been too tired by the time I do the MAP routine and have not been getting the most out of my sessions. So this was just going to be a "warm up" so I did not properly prepare for this session...

At around 8pm I went to take a nap, but then decided last minute to listen to the 60 min Exit Training CD I had made using the brainwave generator. The CD only has an hour of sound on it so I had to continue without it once the CD ended. At the end of the CD I was in a trance deep enough that I had limited sensation in my extremities, but still full movement. It took me about another hour to strengthen the trance enough to get vibrations. As soon as the vibrations came I had no problem letting them sweep over my body. As soon at it finished its course I felt as though my energy body was sinking into the bed. When I fell out underneath my physical body I could now see and I was still in my room but I noticed some reality distortions.

I made the mistake of doing this completely in the dark in the basement, so the ambience was very creepy. The only light was the one window which was on the other end of the basement. I wasn’t sure what to do at this point because like one of my other projections I was still paralyzed, but when I tried to make any kind of movement my energy body would just slide forward or backward, still laying flat. It reminded me of “light as a feather, stiff as a board.” I could only levitate myself forward or backward. Eventually I slide myself forward off of the bed but I still didn’t have full control of my body I was still laying horizontally. As I slide off the bed I floated lightly downward and managed to steer my body enough that I ended up at the other side of the basement facing the window.

I felt very dizzy and uncomfortable. The fear in me continued to grow. I tried to keep myself calm, but I felt extremely vulnerable. For some reason the window was closer to the ground, normally there is a washing machine under the window but it was so dark I don’t even know if I was on the ground. I am assuming I was on the ground because the whole time I I could hear and feel my underside scrape against the floor anytime I would move forward or backward. The floor itself sounded like metal with ridges. I tried really hard to make it out of the window and then I tried to imagine myself somewhere else but nothing was happening. It was weird because when I moved forward I could feel like I was moving very fast, and I could hear /feel my underside sliding also very fast but the window stayed the same size. So I got really frustrated. I could not get out of the window or do much of anything. I was having a harder time keeping myself calm. Eventually after sliding back and forth in the dark and never getting anywhere I managed to move my physical body and it snapped me right back into the physical reality.

Afterwards I felt extremely disoriented, almost to the point that I felt sick. I was very lightheaded, sweaty, and shook up from the experience. I have mixed feelings about this whole experience. Was I supposed to do something once I left my body to gain control of myself or did I just not have enough energy?