Quote Originally Posted by VioletImagery
Quote Originally Posted by OlderWiser
I'd actually go so far as to create a specific shield that has his name on it and forbids all spiritual/psychic connection.
Can you tell me how to do this specifically? Like I said, this is totally new to me. Thanks!
Well, I can tell you how I do it.

First I relax a little (just a few deep breaths, shake off any noticible physical tension, etc., nothing major). Then I consciously release any negative energy I might be dragging around. I do that by stating it aloud: I release and ground all negative energy. (Happily, I don't accumulate negative energy much any more, but I've been practicing how to get rid of it for a long time now, and I've especially had to learn how to avoid generating it myself!) Then I just find my center point (i.e., get a place of balance), and use the statement about being my own authority (above). That all puts me in the mindset. I suppose it's possible to skip any of these (I know it is, actually), but I think it works best if I just take a few minutes and shake off the excess energy and state my authority, etc.

Let's see now. I do this kind of intuitively. I sort of form mental/astral pictures of what I want, it's hard to describe in words. With my mother, I created a fairly large, transparent "bubble" all around me. It extends some distance, because she's got long tentacles, so to speak. When I generated it, I stated clearly that this shield was specifically to forbid her to touch me in any way, physically (which isn't actually an issue, as we're on opposite continents now, but still), mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I made it a permanent shield just by saying it's a permanent shield. So I stated something like this:

I generate this shield, which draws strength from the heavens and the earth
to prevent [her full name] from any contact with me, in any form
the shield to remain until I choose to dissolve it
And so it is

I mean, actually, I don't always "say" these things, I just kind of.... I go into a light trance, I build the shield, I think the qualities I want it to have, and then I seal it by ... You know in the Genesis creation story, God just says something, and there it is? "And God said, let there be... and there was..." ? Well, it's kind of like that. Only I don't really "say" it in words. I just create it in my mind with the qualities it's meant to have and then I push some energetic will into it, and there it is.

I'm sure there must be specific rituals for this, but that's how I do it. It's actually kind of flexible. You can create your own ritual or visualisations or whatever. So long as it makes sense to you, it will work.

Quote Originally Posted by VioletImagery
Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
I'd use a mirror shield if they are very mean,
Like the kids rhyme "I'm rubber and you're glue..."? Maybe the kids are on to something.
Yeah, actually.

Mirror shields are fairly easy. Relax, centre, visualise yourself surrounded by a transluscent bubble of energy that completely encases you and your aura. You can see out easily, and positive energy can easily move through the membrane of the bubble, but negative energy or ill intentions or similar instantly causes the bubble's exterior to become reflective and send back whatever was sent to you.

You do have to be somewhat careful with this, as it can sometimes provoke the sender of negative energy and ill intent even further, but that's not that common (usually it's only a problem if they're doing it consciously; the ones who do it unconsciously just get back the negativity they sent out and feel really uncomfortable, guilty, afraid, etc., and back off). I've had to resort to this kind of shielding with one particularly nasty person/group I managed to piss off (it was a gossipy, bitchy women's chat group on the net, believe it or not, and I'm sure none of them knew they were psychically attacking me, but they certainly were and they didn't stop until I reflected it all back).

Quote Originally Posted by VioletImagery
Well, it's not too late for me to change supervisors. Maybe I should consider it.
Do consider it. It's better not to have to deal with an abuser if you can avoid them.