Well, some conclusions about the NEW system, and the MCO:

1.It is possible, and effective, to practice a whole MCO (including both legs and arms) while doing a spinning session in the gym, even if you do it stood up. I've put it in practice these last days, and I've been able to move it for 20 to 30 minutes without any major trouble.

2.After an ejaculation the energy system goes on activated. I mean, you can still feel the energy moving through the paths in spite of the energy lost. Anyway, I should clarify that while "generating sex energy" I was ascending it in the MCO. I've noted that the sexual energy -ascended in that way- opens up the paths. Before wearing the qlink, I had to "discharge" such energy, because of its fiery effect in the brain, but after putting the qlink on there's no such "urge".

3.The "eye opening feeling" described by RB in his text about seeing auras, and used to open the third eye works in such fine fashion that you'll end up astonished if you give it a try. Anyway, I'm curious about those relaxing feelings I have in it.

These last weeks I've been thinking about how much time a chakra or a tan tien needs to spill... The logical answer in my head has been: if in a daily basis practice I have no strong results, maybe I should try more time. So, I'm thinking about MCOing during the walk from my home to the school, at the gym and in such "dead" periods.

Any thoughts?