inspired by that facebook quiz -what planet are you from? last night as i fell asleep i made a request of my guide.
i asked to be shown something of the world he is from.(i've been given a rough idea in the past, of the type of being he is)
i asked to see life as it is on his "planet", or to have a glimpse of some interactions i may have had with him in other lifetimes, if any.

the whole night was once again a series of dream/wake/dream/wake/dream cycles, as it always seems to be when i ask anything of him.
(i'm calling him "him" because i've always felt a male vibe from him, and he always takes on a male role if he's a character in one of these experiences. i'm not really sure how important gender is to "them", maybe it's something they do to make us feel more comfortable, or not. i dunno.. )

the dreams were unusual.
i found myself on a planet much like earth. land, and water covered areas.
i don't remember too much of a storyline taking place.
it was more of an exploration, an introduction to the different "species" inhabiting the place.
there were cities, but not like our cities.
the buildings were like blocks of smooth black granite. no texture, just smooth square blocks of varying sizes.
when inside one of these, i was faced with a "tardis" experience.(for those unfamiliar with the DR WHO series, the TARDIS is Dr Who's time machine. a relatively small box, when viewed from the outside, but as soon as one steps inside, a much bigger space is perceived.
the buildings were like that.
inside, i'd see small blocks making stairways up the side of walls, that lead up to other levels that weren't apparent from the outside.
some of these small blocks, when pushed with the hands, would turn and open like little storage compartments, revealing some small gadget inside.

gravity seemed less strong than on earth, but that's true of most of my "dreams" these days.

there were a few different types of beings there.
the first i met were yellow in colour, and seemed to be almost like jelly - transparent and rubbery looking. (non-physical?). i spent most of my time talking and walking with one of these, not very tall,a young female. she had a friend who looked almost identical to her, but was slightly more red-ish in colour. almost orange. it seemed all the yellow ones were female.
there were similar blue coloured beings too. these were taller, and seemed to be all male.
then there were some very human looking beings, who all wore metallic head gear. it looked like tin-foil, pointy hats.
they went around in groups of 3 or 4, arms linked, so they at first glance seemed to be trying to intimidate the other beings.
i wasn't sure if i felt some feeling of mis-trust of these human beings, on the part of the small yellows and the blues.
but when they approached, they seemed only curious about me. asking questions, but seemingly quite friendly.

i then got a feeling that there was indeed no such thing as violence here. only a recognition of the difference in species. they all seemed to be able to get along, respecting their differences, possibly even enjoying the variety that these differences brought to their lives.
(perhaps this is the lesson of this experience? )

out in the city streets, i saw that there were vehicles. i think they were for the human types. they seemed to be covered in shiny metal that reminded me of the hats the humans were wearing. it was a bit like Back to the Future - "cars" on the ground, but also flying up into the air.

at some point i met a being who seemed so familiar, she eventually looked like my Sister ("real" life). unfortunately when i saw her there, it got my brain analyzing, and i woke up.

i wish i could remember more details. a very pleasant experience, but one almost completely devoid of any emotional content/disturbance/whatever.