I took a nap this afternoon and I set my alarm clock too late but I woke up on time anyway.I had this,I don't know what to call it but maybe it was obe or something else.Nevertheless,it was very strange as I was watching this and someone else-(my guide?) told me that I set my alarm clock too late and then I saw me and I think that I was wearing a nightgown and I was somewhere where I was stuck and it was dark and I saw when I stopped breathing and I died and then I saw this light and this tunnel and it was transparent and my body was going up and at the same time as I was watching,I could hear what my soul was thinking.It was thinking this "They left me behind !" over and over until I saw it in my mind's eye that she,me got up all the way and now she was transparent and there was another being waiting there who kept telling me that I was going to be ok.I was transparent but you could still see a shape and there were these patches that were kind of white.I'm looking forward to your comments.Thank you.