Hello all,

Something very strange happened to me during my Energy Body Prestimulation, I don't know if I fell asleep or not, but it seems as if I was away for a few seconds and then came back, and thought "what am I doing," while at the same time I felt the enrgy still bouncing in my arms, then very audibly I heard "BEAUTIFUL." Well, that kind of startled me...was that my own reaction to the work, was I awakening from a short dream??? I decided it was best not to dwell upon it, so I continued on with the rest of the exercises which went well.

Thanks again everyone for reading my posts and replying to me...It really helps me to stay on track with the program, and have someone to discuss my thoughts, feelings and experiences with, especially, since I don't have anyone I can share this who that can empathize and understand the work we are doing.