Quote Originally Posted by Ziltron
This is kind of off topic, but do you have any strategies for remaining in a frightening dream after becoming lucid? I want to try the lucid-dream-to-OBE transfer, but I keep waking up because nightmares are the only dreams I can get lucid in. As soon as I realize that it's just a dream, my brain yanks me awake in order to escape what it still sees as a dangerous situation.
My answer is almost the oppossite of what you want, but maybe you can get something useful out of this: When I was young, I had a period of very disturbing nightmares. It seemed the more I dreaded going to sleep, the worse they got. Then I had an idea: Before sleep, I called the nightmare and experienced it in it's every horror. I basked in it until I went to sleep. The nightmares stopped, and I also became more lucid in my dreams. (I also projected, probably as some sort of side effect of this). This won't help you stay on the nightmare, as is your wish (although we're all different, so who knows) but somehow it helped me to be more lucid.
sorry for busting in, I just coudln't resist!