This one was really weird - even for me. I went into my favorite craft store to look at beads and was told that the place was closing down and everything would be 60% off - I was really happy. All of a sudden, a man with a gun came into the store to stick the place up. I quickly slid under a display rack to hide from the gunman. A stuggle took place between him and the clerk. The clerk managed to knock the gun out of his hand and the gun slide across the floor to where I was. I picked up the gun, came out of hiding and pointed it at the crook. Time slowed, I thought to myself "now I can tell him to stay right where he is while I call the cops" - but I did not do that. In a split second I realized that I would be justified in removing this scumbag from the earth, I shot him several times. I dropped the gun and ran into an alley. When I woke up I was very disturbed by my almost delight in killing this man. I didn't have to kill him - I was safe with the gun in my hand and the cops could have been summoned.

Has anyone else out there ever had a dream like this?