Quote Originally Posted by Ouroboros
I don't remember advocating irresponsibility... You sure you're not just projecting that onto my statement?

I don't remember saying that you advocated anything. I merely reply "in addition to" what has been stated by all thus far.

my sort of feel for the overall offerings. I did not intend to point out any one or all of whom has offered.

truth is all of us often do not know we are, or that we have been, irresponsible. it is hard to see it in the moment, and we most often react to the action given, mostly when we are in relative surrounding dealing with relative folks.

certainly no one advocates irresponsibility, for if anyone could look ahead of themself and see the consequence/s they'd surely be responding accordingly.

but, since you read yourself as the appointed target, perhaps there is something within yourself that crys foul. I imagine that the reflex of offense is sign that within is something surrounded in a defense.

i find that to be true within myself, so i look within for my own cause of dysfunctional reflexive jerks.

when i write this diatribe, or diatripe, i write from seeing myself, my conditioning and behaviors therefrom. Lord knows i gets me ole self in some scrapes sometimes, especially with the misses.

those most familiar to us, being the ones we are most comfortably with, are the real challenges. and its always the little things that get ya....

I, like you, land in a thread, read it, cogitate on it, and add from myself that which is me. That folks wish to read anything that you or I offer as an ultimated judgement has to do with them as the reader, and not the writer.

folks often read in a tone that would hear it just so. some come to debate, others come to act as if they've nothing to offer at all; and some few come to help build toward the topics co-resolve.

I often find in here, this forum, with all due respect to this AD Forum and it's Author by the way; that there is a king of the hill modality, and anything constructive added is often ignored, or challenged as it has in error been read as challenging, and regretfully often the thread's potential direction and/or scope is completely abandoned in hopes that the constructive poster and offering are put in their place, and sometimes an offering radically read is radically uprooted and replanted.

but alas, few are up to any challenge, thinking to take the easier route where brawn of intellect would claim top of the heap.

again Ourosboros, i am not speaking of you personally or any member in particular. only the reader reading proves them self as having anything to do with what is said by any other in this forum or any forum.

it's kinda like fishing, ya know, can't see the fish, don't know where the fish are gathered up, but in your cluenessness ya cast out the alluring tidbit into the unseen abyss.

sometimes ya hook what seems as if the biggest darn fish in the water, the line tugs and dives as if a whale has just grabbed on to a tiny bit of hope; you reel it in and it is barely bigger than a minnow.

sometime you hook what seems as the tiniest darn fish in the water, the line stays slack as if no care at the hook is felt. ya reel in the slack and my goodness it's the biggest darn fish ya ever did see, and with a great tug of your having been fooled the line snaps.

rarely though, is that time when you've put your best arbogast lure on, ya throw it out, and just before it hits the water a monster fish comes beaming out of the broken surface, lure in mouth, ya wait in slow motion for the splashing monster to go below, and having reeled in the slack during heart palpitations, ya tug that line, set those treble hooks, and the fight of your life is on....

ya reel in that big fella with kid gloves, letting out when the line gets tight, waiting for the turn, reeling in the slack, back and forth making tiny incremental gains, until biggun is within netted reach. ya bring it on in, get out your needle nose pliers, gently take the hook/s loose, tell the biggun what a great fish that it is, and then release it back to it's peaceful domain.

all the above metaphorically reside in this forum and all forums where such topics are offered. and that's alright, the way that it should be, because it takes all kinds to factor within yourself wherethat you fit or do not fit.

but, if you're not into fitting or not fitting, just being your own true self, then you can be all the above when that you see the occassion's call for what is momentarily required.

but, Ourosboros, we might agree, that if the moments require one to all to routinely assume the position of the minnow, then boredom sets in despite any intent in the posting reply.

also, to have to play small, get hooked, just to break free in the moment of apparent sight, is as well boredom setting in.

truly the fisherman and the fish are the same person, for either is not without the other.

yet, forums such as this one is, what this one offers in the practice of what is originally authored as intent; does cause a certain sadness of heart and mind, when in fact the reader clearly sees the players gaming for the trophied catch as they pose for the photo that gets pinned to the bulletin board of the bait shop alongside the abyssmal waters.

therein, the sacred is by personal playing forced to be the mundane. sad indeed for those whom mundanely apply themselves to such practices.

so, what is sacred responds as it's own accord being; and what is mundane reacts to any and every action in it's personalized accord doing.

the latter is 'science' reactively thinking to study 'reality', and the former is 'reality' respondingly reciprocal to every reaction that from the first respondant action did follow.

this is why a scientist by his/her own will may with thoughts produce a certain outcome within the confinement of the laboratory, but when it is set outside the confinement that certainty proves itself as false, because what had been thoughtfully willed by one is now open to the thoughtful wills of the many.

one sees the world, and from that world backwardly follows back into them self to think on it for an opinion.

one yearns for what is not seen in the world, and from that response forwardly projects from them self what otherwise would not be seen in the world by any other.

and if others concur, it is only that they themselves also yearned for it to be seen, though they had yet to project it from themselves.

once projected and concurred, the object becomes by co-yearning in union with all whom yearn, and without any communication at all, the object will by co-projection find itself projected all over the world.

science scratches its thinking and posturing head, with that wonder as to how on earth did this one object occur in its conception in this seemingly disconnected way.

well...'reality' winks from behind the veil of ignorance.

we have a word in the hills of appalachia called 'agnorance', it defines when a person knowingly ignorant continues to cultivate that ignorance on into even greater ignorance. get it? ag as in agriculture, to farm and grow from seed to fruit.

well, ya can't get around the fact that each is known by their personal fruit.

but, who isn't ignorant, yet how few will readily admit said ignorance in their pretentious posturing as if to know. those whom posture to know cannot see beyond that posturing, they entangled in their hard held opining.

to pine is to yearn. to opine is to ignore the pining, as to forget that from pining did and does all arrive.

ok, out of breath...