Last night I had a dream that may have been influenced by one of the posts in here- so I'm not sure if it reveals anything of value, perhaps that my mind keeps working on things while I sleep, even when I don't participate in said thread.

I was in a room with a 'guide'- I believe it was male. (But I don't remember, because the dream was in the middle of the night.)
We had a set of photographs and he was holding two stacks like a deck of cards. He set down a picture and next to it would put another. One row was continuous, the other was interrupted, like so: (more or less)
Pre-decided/ Actual

One row was how life went and how people lived their lives;
The other row indicated life experiences they had previously decided would happen- according to this man, you previously decided what some things were going to happen as you lived your life, and sometimes you just made it up as you went along. I asked him if something happens different than what you plan, and he said that was within the parts that you hadn't decided previously, the part that didn't have the other card.
I'm sure it was more complicated than that, but that's what I remember from the dream.

ps. I had all kinds of projection sensations (including a fully awake vision when I first laid down) indicating that my clairvoyance seems better than it has been) but not so good in the morning- I couldn't see nuthin'.