Quote Originally Posted by CaterpillarWoman
Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
Apparently, the change happens very, very gradually. So, even if you're completely healthy, having blue skin is a bit of a downside for most of us. He doesn't seem bothered by it, but I don't think I'd enjoy it, personally.
I can definately see some perks, you could be Lord Rama's cousin (the cute one).
Everything has some side effect if you do it too much. Eat too much sugar, you get a toothache or even diabetes. Too much vitamin C it hurts to pee, and you might get a gallstone. I dont need to go on

I gave some silver to my cat, 1tsp doses over 3 days didnt relieve her urinary infection. But my neighbor had extremly bad bleeding atheletes foot, she had to wrap her feet and it was still very painfull to walk. She soaked her feet in silver, layers of dead skin began falling off and in 3 days her feet were perfectly healthy.
I'm very curious about its other claims. Cure AIDS eh?