Hello, all. This is my first post, and I hope I'm putting it in the right forum. I'm not sure these incidences were attacks, but they sure felt like it, so here goes:

I've had two experiences in my life in which I encountered shadow people. It wasn't until after my more recent encounter that I even knew there was a term for these things.

The first incident happened when I was 6 years old, and living in an old house in Arkansas. This house was unusual, in that the only way to reach my room was to go through my parents' room, then a bathroom with two connecting doors. In other words, there is no way someone could get to my room without going to my parents' room first.

I had many strange occurences during my stay in this house. I would frequently awaken with that feeling of cobwebs on my face I hear people on this forum describing. Once I would open my eyes, I would see a ghastly white, disembodied head floating above my face. It had large, dark eyes, and a big downturned slash for a mouth. It also had wild white hair, so I referred to it as "the mophead."

Once during this time I was having trouble sleeping (imagine that!), when I saw my bedroom door open. The light was on in the bathroom, so I could see perfectly. Standing in the doorway was the sillouhette of a man, pointing something at me. He appeared to be bald, or to have a stocking over his head, so I assumed he was pointing a gun at me. I dove under the covers and stayed there for what felt like forever, until I got the courage to look once again. This time, the figure was gone, but the door was still open!

I went into my parents' room, and saw that my mother was reading, and my father was lying next to her, asleep. I asked my mom if my dad had been in my room, and she said 'no, he's been asleep." Now, don't ask me why I didn't just tell her what I saw. For some reason, I only needed to make sure it wasn't my father.

Fast forward almost 30 years. A couple of months ago, I was having trouble sleeping because of a bad case of heartburn. I began feeling a severe pain in my right side, so I thought it might even be a gallbladder attack. Once, I was drifting in and out of consciousness, but not really asleep, when I "thought" I looked at my bedroom doorway and saw a huge figure in sillouhette standing there. It had to be at least 7 feet tall, and it was blacker than black-- even outlined sharply, like a computer-generated figure. Strangely, it appeared to be covered in leaves! I say this, because the impression I had of it was sort of a swamp-thing, because there were these leafy protrustions around its head.

I can't even begin to describe the level of terror I felt. It was a primordial terror that was even greater than I think I would feel if it had been an actual person. But here's the strange thing-- I said to it, "I'm ready to face you now!" What the heck? In no way, shape, or form did I feel ready or have any desire to "face" this thing, whatever that meant. But still, I heard myself saying these words. To my surprise, the thing retreated further from my doorway. I was almost disappointed, because I wanted to get this "facing" thing over with so I'd never have to see it again.

I almost forget to mention-- while everything in my room, including my doorway, appeared normal, what was outside the doorway bore no relation to the actual rest of my house. It appeared to be nothing but whiteness, and I got the feeling it didn't lead to my hallway. I have no idea why.

Was this a Neg? If so, what was its purpose, and did I handle it correctly? Has anyone heard of the shadow people that I've been reading about since this encounter?