This one is from last night.

I recall the scene - I see a woman wrapped in white sheets on the same bed as I. She looks tired and radiant. During the dream I think she looks Chinese to me, but her eyes are more almond-shaped than I would expect.

I try to figure out my surroundings, what is going on. It came to me that I've just been born. I'm amazed - I know who I am, I remember it. I communicate this to my new mother and realise what miracle that is - I can communicate with my mother. I'm just a baby, but I remember who I am. I felt so excited.

I don't think a single word was actually spoken during this dream, that all the exchange was in the mind, but I remember talking to her.

She told me that my face looked interesting, with a smile, and caressed it. I sincerely enjoyed the undisturbed intimacy we were having.

Drawing upon my memories I tried out if I could still speak German and English - and I thought, well whatever comes, this might come in handy. I told my mother that I hoped I could remember this but I might just forget it as I grew up, I was a bit anxious about that. Now that I remembered who I am I did not want to forget it again!

She didn't seem to worry about that.

I never moved during this dream. Everything was a weird overlay of "me now" and the situation of me being a baby. I never saw myself, though. Then I woke up.

The idea of the dream, the experience of being born knowing, excites me. It was a very rewarding experience to have.

However, I could also interpret it symbolically. In that case I'd say it pertains to the idea of being reborn into a state not unlike that of a child, but with the knowledge of an adult. Nothing gets lost in this process, I'm still me, but I'm also born into something new, a new life. The mother could be the nurturing of my spirit through the wisdom of Asia - be it concepts and teachings of Buddhism, Daoism or Hinduism, in part through theosophy.

Certainly a good way to start a day!
