Curses! Foiled again!

Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
and now I'm walking to some sort of institutional building, or some sort of 'checkpoint'.
What you describe in the last part looks a lot like a gatekeeper scenario.

Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
I still am cynical about the environment (as if I feel I'm being tested) but my lucidity has waned- I am not convinced what I'm seeing is happening, but I feel there's some sort of other meaning and I am studying the situation closely.
If this is a gatekeeper scenario, then this is the hint that your inner senses are online, registering some valid information, but the judgement about the meaning of the situation is off:

What you see isn't what is really happening, the entire experience is symbolic - there are no gates or borders where you are. It's just a representation you chose for yourself.

There is indeed some other meaning - you are taking it too literal.

And it would help to pay more attention - but not to find a hidden motivation, but to take a look at the function of everything instead of taking the representation to literally.

So, your consciousness is actually full of clues, but your presentation is slightly off, spinning the information somewhat.

Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
There are people in line to go somewhere that may be a food store. They are going through some sort of scanner that is set to detect some sort of disease or 'difference' in their bodies- some sort of condition.
How would a gatekeeper know you are ready or not for a certain zone? They look into your energy body. They quite literally look "through you" - like a scanner. There is no fooling them. They can see unseen things (like a disease).

Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler
Finally the other one relents and they are let in. This makes me happy.
My 'dream' thinking goes like this "good- the infrastructure is falling apart- doubt has begun to creep into the enforcers. They are not going to stand much longer, because the people know that this is a lie, and even the people in charge of enforcement have begun to question." This is where I started to lose the dream, and I began to wake up.
I think this is finally the point where your mind lapsed into its "favorite" interpretation of things. If this was really a gatekeeper scenario simulation, then this would represent the opposite of lucidity - hence returning to a non-lucid dream state. It's possible that your idea of what is happening distorted too much your actual perception of what was going on.

Many parts of this experience hint at a simulation. You're accompanied by someone. You have a lot of information - you don't think you're a subject. Your curiosity is at its peak. It's like you're in a very conducive state of mind. You know that it is not real.

Your mind now has everything in place to make a different decision about the situation. But you resort back to the streak of associating authority with negative connotations - like "enforcers."

Note how these people never do anything negative except denying someone access. So there's a lot of implicit beliefs coming to the surface here.
