Personally, I imagine that any true agency of God is not going to intervene upon human freedom of will and choice. with that said, i also imagine that like ourselves, humans, having multiple agendas, many of which we not totally aware of; that entitys perhaps less or more than human also are steeped in agendas. it is my practice to not allow persuasion from either end of it, because i value my personal freedom of choice based in my own experiences, experiences which in all due respect are the keys that open up true understanding, where otherwise learned from higher/lower entitys the information would cause inner confusion (harm) without the experience that has opened itself to understanding.

here is a quote which shares the same sentiment:

"Although heavenly powers wanted to give Elijah, the Gaon (Sage) of Vilna, mystical and theosophical secrets through the medium of daemons, who were masters of secret knowledge and Princes of the Torah, without the necessity of human effort, he refused them. He said that on numerous occasions heavenly mentors came to him volunteering to hand over to him the mystical secrets of the Torah without any effort on his part and he refused to take any notice of them. He said: I do not want what I aquire of God's holy teaching (Torah) to come to me through any intermediary of whatever kind. Instead I am completely dependent on God and what he wants to reveal to me of his Torah, through my own labour which I am engaged in with all my might. He will give me wisdom, and an understanding heart. In that way I shall know that I have found favour in His eyes."

I listen to my own voice, uncluttered with building prejudicial thought. even if i am reading a thread in this forum, i hear my voice speaking what i am reading, and in my own voice speaking are the keys to understanding what I am reading, what is really being said in the posts as i feel to hear and see it. otherwise, i do not 'pay' attention to other means, as i imagine 'truth' is free.

here is another snippet on Elijah the Gaon of Vilna:

"Elijah, the Gaon of Vilna, said that what the soul attains, the wonderful and awesome levels that it reaches, in the state of sleep, through the upward journey of the soul to higher worlds, is not the main thing. What is important is what a man achieves whilst incarnated in this world in the waking state through his own struggle and effort. It is then that man can exercise his free choice and clear his mind of all else but concentration on spiritual matters."

i only choose these quotes because they are readily availiable to me at this present moment, not because i lean particularly in any one direction of religion, though God is the source of my spirituality.
