I want to ask you about something that here in South America is well known. It is about the so called Space Doctors. I do not know if you have heard something about it. The theme is so. There is a spiritualist temple in Brazil called Tupyara. So people who need to be healed of some disease must send a letter by post to the temple. Then they answer you back the letter telling you the day and time of the surgery.

You must prepare your bed with white sheets and lay in bed and stay quiet on the given date and time. At this moment some nonphysical beings that have been doctors when they lived in the physical will practice you a surgery.

Here in South America everybody knows about de Space Doctors and many send letter to the temple. And there are many testimonies of people that have been healed in this way.

My question is: Is it possible for a nonphysical being to affect a physical body? Can a nonphysical being that inhabit in Focus 27 to practice an "astral surgery" to a physical person?