Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
There should be a way for Uraeus to rise naturally. Kundalini is said to awake naturally when presence becomes effortless, and samadhi comes effortlessly in meditation. Anything else could be considered a premature forced rising, I have read.
there's a bit of a mystery to that. so while what you say is essentially true, it's exactly what i'm exploring right now.

Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
There are those who have such intimate experience with unity the inner witness has completely disappeared, and merged with the outer world completely. To me, this seems like the "highest" possible developmental level, because there is nothing left to awaken to. Only peace exists in everything.
whether that is true or not, it doesn't apply to transformative events such as Kundalini because K. isn't another level per se, it is a synthesis of human characteristics. so it unlocks new potentials, it crystallizes your character, it purifies your soul. it is dynamic and not linear, transformative and not additive, crystalline and not concrete.

so active witnessing is a method of realization that leads the seeker to the path that leads to kundalini, in my humble opinion.

merging with the outer world or complete selflessness or complete absorption is the highest known state of samadhi and it occurs naturally during that state.

Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
Perhaps Uraeus would be the next logical step after that. Then there would be no strain on the energy body as in your case, with the rising.
i'm very interested in reducing the strain on us during that process. that's actually my main focus this fall and winter.

Quote Originally Posted by farewell2arms
I wonder why there are so few of the people out in the world who are aware of the existence of this phenomenon. The few who know seem to keep silent except Robert and you.
this info is kept secret for fear of persecution. the yogis of the Himalayas, some native American tribes, the inner group of the hermetic magicians, and more select groups still shepherd and guard this knowledge. They each have different reasons to keep it secret, but it's mostly to preserve the information through the destructive traumas of culture, war, etc.