
wow, given the explanative youtube video, my worry is abated.

this 'want nothing' desire entangled with thoughts can become self destructive, very quickly. is why i asked for clarification. thanks John, I had not heard of this Lady before.

with this sadness and pain(anguish) you are feeling, i worry about ya. it takes a lot to give to these and it takes a lot out of you. it is like a backwards inward feed, or self-nurture. Pale Horse over in another thread treats this nicely with his words about 'oneness', or the thought/belief in "oneness", as opposed to what is "being one". this is about internal boundaries that manifest healthy indwelling and outlying boundaries. sadness and anguish can get bigger than 'one' is, and in that, crush them from within.

to say no to the rising thoughts that would claim other than one's self within towards nurture, that would from some sense of being greater, nurture more that it's one self within. being singularly human predisposes 'one' to all that which is human, within and without. herein, sadness and anguish need to be 'real'ized for what is you, you being 'one'.

nurture is what makes 'things' grow in the fields of the mind. it is delicate balance, and individually it is one's own secret garden. however, 'real'izing' you and yours is at hand. 'yours' can include others, yet along with healthy boundaries. others held in thought assigned roles are not really others. so there is a distinction there.

thoughts are energy, energy innocent enough, yet the more given to the entertained thought unto action, well then the thought manifests through the human.

one might be good at keeping these thoughts from action that would outwardly manifest. but they might not be good internally with the entertainment arena. this entertainment is about internal boundaries, more important perhaps than boundaries established outwardly. simply because, this entertainment arena is about pure energy which works lawfully, it attracts and repels, or it may be neutral. the same human interaction which presents itself outlying is within us first. so just like one secures their earthly home and hearth from strangers and some not so strange to us from wandering in and out, so does one secure their inner domain, in the establishment of being 'one', as you and yours, as permission to that which comes and goes, as that which is watchfully entertained, and not permissively entertained.

this too, has to do with sadness and anguish, to 'real'ize what is you and yours to be kept for nurture, and what is greater than you that need be kept beyond healthy boundaries and not drain your nurture permissively.

this could very well mean that a loved one in the world need be outed through boundaries. one has to divide the person from the drama of the person, keep the person in their best light as yours, while keeping the drama beyond the boundaries established as being 'one'.

this would be like holding your best of this person as a hopeful prayer, while the yet existing drama outlying is as well beyond the healthy boundaries within and without. thus, it is about saying 'no' to others that would through their drama feed upon you from within and from without.

this is not an easy freeing of one's self, when love is in the gummut within. perhaps the best outcome of all this internalized realness, is that while outing this and that, one also realizes where themself in the relative world, is relating in an unhealthy manner that drains another from their within domain. human beingness is interconnectivity. it may be co-dependent, or interdependent, of it may be as aloof as 'one' being momentarily chooses it to be.

we all tag each other in life, saying "your it". like children, we dont always realize what this "being it" is until the play reveals the scope of all participant agendas. being aloof is being 'one', having no participant agenda. folks dont tag what they cant see, and folks can see a heart worn outlying on the sleeve, and may quick to get a share. this doesnt advocate being heartless, it just advocates not being careless to the point of getting used up.

take care of you John,
