Kurt Leland's book "The Multidimensional Human: Practices for Psychic Development and Astral Projection" is scheduled for release this week.

The book is based on the basic premise that in order to develop psychically and spiritually, the most organic process would be to consider all one does as a whole and to develop in many different fields. Kurt used a list of inner senses originally defined in "The Seth Material" (by Jane Roberts) and expanded it into a full manual of what they are and how one can develop them.

The material draws on theosophy, Kurt's own experience and his own channeled material, plus selected other writings. For each area of development background information is given. Then the author introduces the idea of "provisional beliefs" - ideas that one can play and experiment with and try on for size. The purpose of each is to allow for an open attitude that will help in the practices provided.

It's not exactly a trouble-shooting manual, but many common problems are adressed - like why no communication takes place, why one can't move, or what the actual nature of astral sex is. Also why other common frustrations happen - actual the many accounts Kurt read over the years on forums like Saltcube seem to have been the inspiration for this book.

It concludes with some material about topics like negs, walking the spiritual path and being of service on the other side.