I like this concept

`A third possibility is that they're limits imposed on you from the outside`

Its kind of like a Matrix dimension that seems to be created from a higher source maybe. Like theres laws within dimension levels, where by all dream minds with awareness slip into a certain part of the dream GRID. In this GRID , there seems to be solid identifiable visual strata for the dreamer to see. And maybe the thaughts themselves that are changing , fluctuating in that dimension are effecting it and changing it, making it all the harder to accept it as a real dimensional level that may really exist.

This to

`and that they get in the way because your subconsious may be trying to protect you from wandering off too 'far'

This is like a Safety device in a car lol ... if the car is gonna crash or skid off the road , the safety bags dispurse automatically to help you . Maybe as like in a dream your sub-con has a certain ` safety device ` to prevent the dreamer in that particular part of the dream grid to explore further because of the strange nature in which you gained Conscious awareness within that particular dream.

You could theorize all day ...love it !!!

