A few months back I had a terrifying dream about a zombie apocalypse, everything was dark in the dream and it was one of those dreams where you are just constantly in fear. We were in a block of flats somewhere near the top and zombies had bust into the room we were hiding in and were trying to chew up on us! lol.

Anyway we escaped the building and there was one moment when every part of that fear just kind of dissolved inside of me and dissapeared. It was like the full moon was out but everything was draped in a blue hue and we were casting shadows in the dark.
I looked up at the sky and there was this massive blue supernova in the sky which illuminated everything. It was one of the most beautiful sights I can remember seeing in a dream. Sadly that wasnt the end of the dream, the zombie fright fest continued shortly after that.

Just thought id share that with you guys