
in your work you are also relating to Tolle's teachings, so I think you might be the right man to answer this.

Last year, I read the "Power of Now" and am now reading "New Earth". Some of the topics repeated in both books is Tolle's concept of the "Pain Body". It is not just about literal bodily pain, but also the many painful negative emotions created by the mind-ego. According to Tolle, there are also collective pain bodies of groups of people, tribes, peoples, nations, or e.g. the collective female gender pain body that accumulated pain of suppression over many millenia (perhaps after the so-called Golden Age ended).

While the collective pain body seems to me to be a kind of Jungian collective subconscious thing, I still wonder about that personal pain body. Is it really a "body" like an energy body or is it rather an accumulated "neg"-reservoir of past traumas and present troubles manifesting as a kind of attached energy field resulting in these psychological states of mind (what a phrase, woah...) ? Or perhaps the term "body" here is just purely metaphorical in meaning? However, I don't think so.

If the personal pain body it is an expression or consequence of an energy body, wouldn't it most likely be (part of) the Astral Body - which is also in some teachings called the "Emotional" Body?

What is your take on the "Pain Body"?
