Lately all my dreams seem to take place in the "front" of my brain; all very light, fleeting images & I awaken feeling rather let down. I've always had intense, vivid dreams (at least 5 per night) & have time set aside each morning before I get out of bed, to write them up in my journal. But nowadays it only takes a few moments to jot down the few, fleeting images . . .am getting annoyed with myself.

I've changed the orientation of my bed but to no avail, & changed the position of the magnets I sleep with. . also to no avail (I sound quite nuts, don't I?) Am always semi-aware that I am in bed, sleeping.

I'm wondering now whether doing "creative" tasks affects one's dreaming - I had given up writing for years, under the conviction that most so-called creativity is just a form of Zen-sickness (where words & ideas keep bubbling up from the mind) & thus not to be indulged, but since a recent jolt to my psyche (Friend died) I find myself compelled to write again, & all sorts of stream-of-consciousness type stories etc, pour out of me (almost like automatic writing) So I'm thinking that maybe this is a form of awake "dreaming", & so the "night dreams" don't need expression anymore. . . .

Anyone had anything similar happen?