I've been using affirmations for about 2 and a half years to remove thoughtforms and negative spirits. Even after much patience and deliberation, I so far have not gotten any results.

In the past, I was able to remove alot of the negative spirts with em grounding. For one specific thoughtform I have been dealing with, I have tried many countermeasures (mostly affirmations) and have not been able to dissolve detach from it.

In the first edition of Practical Psychic Self Defense, using books, I read about a method for gaining information that could could proove helpful. Robert Bruce calls the method "Messages in bottles".

I tried the method dozens of times, and several times (on different ocasions) I opened a bible to a part that mentions Jesus healing a boy that was troubled by a "dumb and deaf spirit". The disciples of jesus could not remove the entitiy from the boy. And when asked by his disciples why they could not heal the boy, Jesus said, "this kind can not be driven out but prayer".

That has made me more interested in prayers.

A long time ago, I went to a church with a preist who said that all that is needed to get prayers awnsered is patience and to be prayerful. Is it really that simple?

If there's a specific post or topic that could help, I ask to please direct me to it.

It would also be a big help if theres anyone who can use their intuition to tell me if I should use prayers instead of the other methods to remove the thoughtform that has possessed me.